Search Results for: 1

Young et al. (2024)

Pacific Rim Conservation 2023 Annual Summary In 2023 Pacific Rim Conservation (PRC) continued with our long-term seabird monitoring and conservation programs across Hawaii and Mexico. We conducted monitoring of 11 seabird species across Kauai and Oahu to determine the outcomes of various conservation interventions and to research the demography of these populations. In 2023 this…

Yu & Chung (2024)

Pacific Seabird Group 2024 Regional Report – Hong Kong, China Yat-tung Yu and John C.T. Chung, with the team of the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society, have continued banding Bridled Terns (Onychoprion anaethetus; BRTE) in Hong Kong for seven consecutive years as of 2023. In total, 447 Bridled Terns were banded from 2017 to 2023,…

Stephensen (2024)

Report of Seabird Related Activities to Pacific Seabird Group Shawn W. Stephensen and Alex Cook (Oregon Coast National Wildlife Refuge Complex) conducted an aerial seabird colony survey on 28 and 29 June 2023 that included the entire Oregon coast and Castle Rock, California. The aircraft used was a Bell Jet Ranger III helicopter operated by…

Suzuki et al. (2024)

Yasuko Suzuki (BirdLife International), Motohiro Ito and his students (Toyo University), and Nobuhiko Sato (in an advisory role; Fisheries Research and Education Agency) continued an experimental study on a gillnet bycatch mitigation technique in collaboration with Tokyo Sea Life Park in Japan. At a Common Murre (Uria aalge) and Tufted Puffin (Fratercula cirrhata) aviary with…

Orben et al. (2024a)

Rachael Orben (Assistant Professor – Senior Research, Oregon State University (OSU)), Adam Peck-Richardson (Faculty Research Assistant, OSU), and Alexa Piggott (Faculty Research Assistant, OSU) entered the fifth year of the Cormorant Oceanography Project. This interdisciplinary project is developing and deploying novel biologging tags on cormorants and shags to collect oceanographic data while gaining insights into…

Davoren et al. (2024)

Overview of research on alcids on the Newfoundland and Labrador Shelf  The Davoren Lab continued their decadal-scale research on seabirds and their prey on the east coast of Newfoundland. Recent work has focused on alcids breeding on James Island. Between 10–15 GLS loggers have been deployed on Atlantic Puffins (Fratercula arctica) and Razorbills (Alca torda)…

Pearson et al. (2024)

Marbled Murrelet, Tufted Puffin, and Rhinoceros Auklet Monitoring and Research  Scott Pearson (Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife), Tom Good (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration-Northwest Fisheries Science Center), Peter Hodum (University of Puget Sound and Oikonos), Sue Thomas (Washington Maritime National Wildlife Refuge Complex), and Eric Wagner (University of Washington) continued their long-term study of…

McIver et al. (2024)

Northwest Forest Plan Marbled Murrelet Effectiveness Monitoring Program The goal of the Marbled Murrelet Effectiveness Monitoring Program (EMP) is to evaluate the effectiveness of the Northwest Forest Plan (NWFP) in maintaining and restoring marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus; MAMU) populations and nesting habitat within the NWFP area, from the Canada–Washington border south to northern California. The…

White et al. (2024b)

USGS WERC Seabird Studies Team: Southern California PSG Regional Report 2024 Josh Adams, Laney White, Jonathan Felis, and Alex Rinkert (USGS Western Ecological Research Center), in collaboration with Matthew McKown, Jeff Schlueter, and Abram Fleishman (Conservation Metrics Inc.), and with support from David Pereksta (BOEM) are working on manual, low-taxonomic identification of targets detected using…

Stoner (2024)

Katie Stoner, PhD student under the advisement of Dr. Don Lyons at Oregon State University, conducted her second field season of geolocator tagging work on Tufted and Horned Puffins (Fratercula cirrhata and F. corniculata) in partnership with Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) Avian Biologist Robin Corcoran. With field assistance from Megan Boldenow of U.S. Fish…