Search Results for: 1

Jodice et al. (2024)

The South Carolina Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit (SC CRU) continues to conduct research on seabirds throughout the southeast U.S. and Caribbean. A team comprised of Patrick Jodice (SC CRU), Yvan Satgé (SC CRU), Kathy Hixson (SC CRU), and Jeff Gleasons (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; FWS) are nearing completion of an atlas and…

Alva et al. (2024)

House mice abundance index and its relation to breeding success of Peruvian diving-petrels on Isla La Vieja, Perú In January 2023, I (Alva) was honored to be selected as a recipient of the Craig Harrison Conservation Fund, administered by the Pacific Seabird Group. As an undergraduate student in marine biology at Universidad Científica del Sur…

Rojek et al. (2024)

2023 Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge Regional Reports Aleutian Islands Annual seabird monitoring at Aiktak (eastern Aleutians) and Buldir (western Aleutians) islands was led by Nora Rojek (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge) with summer-long field crews consisting of McKenzie Mudge, Kevin Pietzrak, and Nathan Dubrow on Buldir, and Erin Parsons,…

Zavalaga et al. (2024)

Mapping Trans-Pacific Routes of New Zealand Mollymawks: Assessing Risks of Interaction with Fisheries along a Flyway to South America In January 2024, I (Zavalaga) embarked on a scientific expedition to the remote Forty-four Island, situated in close proximity to Chatham Island, New Zealand. The primary objective of this fieldtrip was to conduct tagging operations on…

Orben et al. (2024d)

2023 marked the 17th consecutive year of seabird monitoring at Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area in Newport, Oregon, and the third consecutive year of monitoring at Pirate Cove in Depoe Bay, Oregon. Will Kennerley (Faculty Research Assistant, OSU), Jacque McKay (NSF REU Intern), Entenecia Cardenas-Ritzert (Doris Duke Scholar), Ricardo Rodriguez (Environment for the Americas Intern),…

Learned & Penniman (2024)

Maui Nui Seabird Recovery Project Regional Report – Maui, Hawaiʻi Ornithological radar surveys on Maui, Hawaiʻi In 2020 the Hawaiʻi Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) provided a marine radar to the Maui Nui Seabird Recovery Project (MNSRP). The marine radar was selected to closely match that used for seabird surveys on Maui in 2001…

Holthuijzen (2024)

In 2023, I continued to work in collaboration with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the non-profit organization Island Conservation on research related to invasive house mice (Mus musculus) on Sand Island of Kuaihelani (Midway Atoll NWR). Beginning in 2015, house mice were observed attacking and preying upon adult nesting seabirds—in particular, Mōlī (Laysan…

Orben et al. (2024c)

The Seabird Oceanography Lab, in collaboration with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), is using high-resolution satellite images to count Short-tailed Albatross (Phoebastria albatrus) colonies with the goal of providing a population estimate of the Senkaku Island colony. Across the 2022–2023 breeding season, the team collected six very high (0.3-meter) spatial resolution satellite images…

Dickson & Gaston (2024)

The Laskeek Bay Conservation Society (LBCS), based in Skidegate, BC, completed their 34th field season (May 5–July 21) of monitoring marine and terrestrial ecology in Laskeek Bay, Haida Gwaii. Rian Dickson and Matthew Peck, assisted by Max Nishima, coordinated the various research and monitoring projects at the field station on East Limestone Island, including Pigeon…